Tuesday 11 January 2011

Traveller - Nikkolay Trask

Nikkolay Trask

Ex Marine Force Commander
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UPP - A999A7
Age - Thirty
Terms - Three
Credits - 191,000

Skills -
Brawling -1, Blade Combat - 2, Electronic - 1, Cutlass - 1, Shotgun - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Revolver -2
Ground Car - 1, Pilot - 0, Gunner -0

Possessions -

Blade w/scabbard (2d), Shotgun w/10 mags and sling (4d), Revolver w/60 cartridges (3d), Cloth Armour, Combat Armour (+4 oxygen tanks), telescopic sight, Auto Pistol w/10 mags (3d), Body Pistol w/10 mags (3d), Sub-machine gun w/10 mags (3d), laser rifle w/power pack (5d), 5 cases grenades (1 smoke, 1 gas), grenade launcher, snub pistol loaded with heap w/10 mags and 1 short range communicator (10km range). Trask is also in possession of a lifetime bounty hunter's license for the Arel subsector (allowed weapons of -4 LL).

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