Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Tis the season to be jolly...
Well, where has the year gone? I've done very poorly at updating this blog during this year. We've had a busy one, no doubt. Hopefully i'll be around a bit more in the new year. let me take this opportunity to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Has it really been seven months?
Well, hard to believe but I last posted to this blog in February. I have some updates to come.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Dr Who - Shaun White
Shaun White
Man On The Street - Retail Operative.

Background Concept
Shaun has worked in his local electronics retail store since leaving school. He's fairly conscientious in his work but life seemed to be passing him by. That is until the mannequins in the boutique next door seemed to come to life and began attacking passers-by. Finding previously untapped courage, Shaun aided a woman shopper and the next thing he knew, he was being chased around Basildon by annoyed shop dummies until he came across the strange little man who seemed to be flitting through space and time in a portaloo. Shaun's not sure that he likes his new life but at least he doesn't have to get out of bed early on Saturday's.
Native Space Time
21st Century, Earth
Awareness: 2
Co-Ordination: 3
Ingenuity: 3
Presence: 3
Resolve: 2
Strength: 3
Good Traits
Face In The Crowd
Run For Your Life
Bad Traits
Unadventurous (Minor)
Skills and Areas Of Expertise
Athletics 1
Convince 2
Craft 1
Fighting 1
Knowledge 2
Marksman - 1
Technology 3
Transport 2
Shaun has worked in his local electronics retail store since leaving school. He's fairly conscientious in his work but life seemed to be passing him by. That is until the mannequins in the boutique next door seemed to come to life and began attacking passers-by. Finding previously untapped courage, Shaun aided a woman shopper and the next thing he knew, he was being chased around Basildon by annoyed shop dummies until he came across the strange little man who seemed to be flitting through space and time in a portaloo. Shaun's not sure that he likes his new life but at least he doesn't have to get out of bed early on Saturday's.
Native Space Time
21st Century, Earth
Awareness: 2
Co-Ordination: 3
Ingenuity: 3
Presence: 3
Resolve: 2
Strength: 3
Good Traits
Face In The Crowd
Run For Your Life
Bad Traits
Unadventurous (Minor)
Skills and Areas Of Expertise
Athletics 1
Convince 2
Craft 1
Fighting 1
Knowledge 2
Marksman - 1
Technology 3
Transport 2
Saturday, 5 February 2011
A break in routine
Sorry for the delay in posting an update. Had a busy week in real life, including finding an old friend on the internet and having some car trouble. Got off track a bit but I plan to post another character tonight.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Funny that...
Since posting Alan Hasell's Jedi character here, he and I have met up on Facebook and he's now joined our Forum. Fate or something.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Star Wars D6 - Lazarus Long
Lazarus Long
Character Type: Minor Jedi
Character Name: Lazarus Long
Player Name: Alan Hasell
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 12st
Sex: Male
Age: 20yrs
Physical Appearance: Tall, dark-haired, long-featured face, long-limbed. Wears dark tight fitting clothes and a cloak (hooded).
DEXTERITY: 3D, Dodge 4D, Lightsaber 5D+1
KNOWLEDGE: 3D+2MECHANICAL 2D, Repulsorlift Op 3D
PERCEPTION: 3D+1, Hide/Sneak 4D+1
STRENGTH: 2D+2, Climbing/Jumping 3D+2
Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Blaster Pistol (4D), Syntherope, Macrobinoculars, Glow RodMedpac, 200cr
Background: Born on a hick planet, his parents were killed when he was 10. made his way for a while as a beggar cum thief, until he tried to pick the pockets of a jedi master.The jedi saw potential in him and adopted him, giving himhis first training in the ways of the force.When his beloved master was killed, Lazarus swore to avenge him. He is determined to become a true jedi and foil the empire.
Personality: Completely committed to the jedi code, but has been known to bend the rules a little. Charming when he wants to be, he likes to talk his way out of trouble if possible, but is not afraid to fight. Has tendencies toward heroic gestures. Ingenious, somewaht cynical but with a heart of gold.
A Quote: "Who, me?"
Note: The image is mine, not one of Alan's choice but he seems to fit the character.
Character Type: Minor Jedi
Character Name: Lazarus Long
Player Name: Alan Hasell
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 12st
Sex: Male
Age: 20yrs
Physical Appearance: Tall, dark-haired, long-featured face, long-limbed. Wears dark tight fitting clothes and a cloak (hooded).
DEXTERITY: 3D, Dodge 4D, Lightsaber 5D+1
KNOWLEDGE: 3D+2MECHANICAL 2D, Repulsorlift Op 3D
PERCEPTION: 3D+1, Hide/Sneak 4D+1
STRENGTH: 2D+2, Climbing/Jumping 3D+2
Equipment: Lightsaber (5D), Blaster Pistol (4D), Syntherope, Macrobinoculars, Glow RodMedpac, 200cr
Background: Born on a hick planet, his parents were killed when he was 10. made his way for a while as a beggar cum thief, until he tried to pick the pockets of a jedi master.The jedi saw potential in him and adopted him, giving himhis first training in the ways of the force.When his beloved master was killed, Lazarus swore to avenge him. He is determined to become a true jedi and foil the empire.
Personality: Completely committed to the jedi code, but has been known to bend the rules a little. Charming when he wants to be, he likes to talk his way out of trouble if possible, but is not afraid to fight. Has tendencies toward heroic gestures. Ingenious, somewaht cynical but with a heart of gold.
A Quote: "Who, me?"
Note: The image is mine, not one of Alan's choice but he seems to fit the character.
Character of the day - For Alan
Today's character was created by an old gaming friend called Alan Hasell. Alan moved away to Worcester many years ago and we've since lost touch but I always think of him fondly. Alan was about the only person I ever knew who could understand the rules of Champions as well. So this one's for him, an old D6 Star Wars character.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Countdown To Orlando

So, a slight change of pace from the character postings. As hinted at in my first post of the year, we are taking a family holiday in Orlando, staying at the Walt Disney Resort. We're staying in the Port Orleans hotel and everyone is now getting really excited. We fly from Gatwick on May the 5th. This is our (mine and Carly's) second visit; last time was in 1989. Obviously having Maddie adds a whole new level of excitement. During our stay we will be swimming with Dolphin's at Discovery Cove, visiting all the Disney Parks, Universal Studios, Seaworld and Busch Gardens.
The reality is hitting home now as we actually booked a table in a restaurant in the Contemporary Resort for the first week of our stay so we can get a good view of the fireworks at Disneyworld while having dinner. Lots more excitement to come and i'll be sharing the build up here and then posting our journal when we get back.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Savage Worlds (Tour Of Darkness) - Willie Franks

Born: Little Creek, Arkansas
Nickname: Little Willie (Pte Franks is 5'3" tall).
Branch: US Army
Rank: Novice
Military Rank: Private
Agility: d6 Smarts: d6 Spirit: d6 Strength: d6 Vigor: d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6, Notice d10 (+2), Shooting d8, Stealth d8, Throwing d4
Charisma: 0 Pace: 6" Parry: 5 Toughness: 5 Sanity: 5
Gear: M16 (24/48/96, 2d8, Rof 3, 8lbs, 20 shots, AP2), 8 magazines, 4 M26 grenades (5/10/20, 3d6, Rof 1, Medium BT, Thrown), M1911A1 (12/24/48, 2d6+1, Rof 1, 2lbs, 7 shots), 3 clips, C rations, machete, canteen, toothbrush, bedroll, 4 packs of smokes.
Hindrances: Cautious, Loyal, Habit (Tobacco)
Edges: Alertness, Danger Sense
Background: Willie Franks was born into a farming family in Arkansas. Without much else to do, Willie worked on the farm and spent a lot of his free time in the humid forests of his home state. As such, he's right at home in Southeast Asia. He's a simple soul who never achieved much at school, except for getting his high school sweetheart, Melissa, pregnant. He joined up hoping to make a future for his young family and is determined in his quiet way to make it home in one piece.
Tuesday, 18 January 2011
Golden Heroes - Blur
Alias: Damon James
EGO: 10 STR: 12 DEX: 12 VIG: 12 (21)
Movement: 80m Dodge Modifier: +5
Damage Modifier: 0 Strike Modifier: 0
Defence Class: 6 Frames: 4
HTK: 89/- HTC: 66/-
Recover: 1d6 per 1 per 1/2 hour Hospitalised:8 Push Back:20
Recover: 1d6 +1 per action Stag: 12 Stun: 6
Health: 2 - Enviromental Survival (Friction), Immunity to Disease, Fast Recovery
Speed: 4 - 120m in long, straight movement
Notes: Damon James was a workshy young man who signed up for the university’s experimental program as a way of making a few quid without having to do anything. It was only when the faulty cyclotron’s rampant energies began to tear at his body that he realised that the chief research scientist might answer to a different master than the education board. When the
chamber was opened, he ran and didn’t stop until he reached the south coast, two minutes later. Since then he has discovered he can run like the wind and quickly recovers from injuries. His close brush with death has taught him a lesson about his place in the world and what he can aspire to be.
Today's character..
Another Golden Heroes character today. Blur is the character I played in Kevin's Golden Heroes game. Simple idea for a super speed character name and the names of two members of the famous band with the same name for his secret id.
Monday, 17 January 2011

Strategic Operations Officer, USS Pioneer
Human Age: 43
Fitness 3, Vitality +1
Coordination 4
Intellect 4
Presence 2, Willpower +1
Psi 0
Resistance 4
Alertness +2, Contact +1 (Admiral Ross)
Dept Head +2 (Strategic Operations)
Promotion +6 (Lt Cmdr), Hides Emotions -2
Vengeful -1 (Sub Commander Tevek)
Code Of Honor -2 (Rapid Response)
Imprudent -2
Athletics (Lifting) 3 (4), Administration (Starship Administration) 2 (2), Culture (Human) 2 (3), (Romulan) (2), Command (Starship Command) 1 (3), Computer (Data Alteration/Hacking) 2 (3), Dodge 2, Energy Weapon (Phaser) 3 (4), Engineering, Systems (Security) 1 (2), First Aid (Wound/Combat Trauma) 1 (2), Heavy Weapons (Phaser Cannon) 2 (2), History (Human) 1 (2), (Federation) (2), Knowledge (Romulan technology) 2 (4), Language (Federation Standard) 4, (Romulan) 2, Law (Starf leet Regulations) 2 (3), (Federation Law) (3), Personal Equipment (Tricorder) 1 (2), Planetside Survival (Desert) 1 (2), Planetary Tactics (Small Unit) 2 (3), (Romulan) (2), Security (Security Systems) 3 (4), Starship Tactics (Federation) 2 (2), (Romulan) (2), Shipboard Systems (Command) 2 (2), (Sensors) (4), (Tactical) (3), Science, Life (Exobiology) 1 (2), Science, Space (Warp Field Theory) (2), Streetwise 1 (2), Strategic Operations (Romulan) 2 (4), (Dominion) (3), Unarmed Combat (Starfleet Martial Arts) 3 (4), Vehicle Operations (Shuttlecraft) 2 (2), World Knowledge (Calder II) 1 (2)
Normal Upbringing
Academy Life (Rapid Response Training) 4 Years
Cadet Cruise (Border Patrol) 1 Year
Advanced Tactical Training (Threat Force) 12 Weeks
Branch Officer Training 6 Weeks
Bridge Certification Training 3 Weeks
Command School 15 Weeks
Strategic Operations Training 6 Weeks
Tour 1 - Rapid Response Team (USS Hood) - 4 Years
Tour 2 - Rapid Response Team (Starbase 225) - 2 Years
Tour 3 - Border Patrol (USS Hornet) - 5 Years
Tour 4 - Deep Space Exploration (USS Hornet) - 3 Years
Tour 5 - Starbase Mission (Starbase 315) - 3 Years
Tour 6 - On The Front - 1 Year
Tour 7 - Strategic Operations - 1 Year
Courage 5
Renown 26
Sunday, 16 January 2011
Mutants and Masterminds (2nd Edition) - Ultiman

PL: 10,
Name: Henry Cross, Male, Size: Medium;
INIT: +5, DEF 15/14; SPEED 30; MELEE +10, RANGED +7,
MENTAL +7, SV: DMG +4, FORT +4, REF +3, WILL +1;
STR 18, DEX 13, CON 18, INT 12, WIS 13, CHA 14.
SKILLS: Computers* +2, Gather Info +3, Listen +11, Profession: +3, Search +11, Spot +11.
FEATS: Durability (Super) (lethal dmg < = to dmg save is stun), Ultra Hearing (Super) (can hear low and high pitched noises), Fame (+3 cha if fame is a benefit, -3 if not), Imp. Initiative (+4 to initiative), Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves). POWERS: FLIGHT [MUTATION] [+10], stunt: super flight, SUPER-STRENGTH [MUTATION] [+10], extra: protection, extra: immunity {aging, disease,, exhaustion, poison, pressure,, starvation, suffocation,, critical hits, electricity,radiation}, extra: super-senses.
WEAKNESS: Vulnerable to Trans - Dimensional energies.
COST: abilities 28, combat 26, skills 4, feats 10, powers 92, weakness -10, total 150.
The Origin Of Ultiman
Sometime in the late 1940's a top secret US government project was engaged in
experiments to break the dimensional barrier, the theoretical division between
our dimension and others, presumably vastly different in nature.
The project was utilising the superhuman known as The Comet and his superspeed abilities, to attempt to form a transdimensional rift.
The experiment succeeded but not without cost.
An enormous discharge of energy was released, killing The Comet and seventeen US military personnel. The result was that a small, but detectable, tear in the fabric of our dimension was created. The focus of the research changed as it became obvious that the dimensional rift was too small to be traversed by equipment or personnel, but strange energies with unusual properties were emanating from it.
And so Project Ultimate Human was born (ULTImate huMAN). Several years of research into this new form of energy yielded several advances in technology but primarily it was discovered that human tissue exposed to the dimensional rift became more resistant to damage, old wounds healed and so on. One particularly insightful and patriotic scientist saw an opportunity to advance the cause of democracy by creating a rallying point in human form. His proposal was rejected by the President, who feared that the American people would never accept the result of human experimentation as fully human, but the scientist's cause was picked up on by a shadowy group existing the upper echelons of the US military known as The Twelve, whose origins lay in the American war of independence. Their own aims were far from benevolent, however. They funded in secret the commencement of the project and provided a willing volunteer, a World War II veteran who'd been dishonoranbly discharged from the service but in all other respects was an exemplary soldier.
The subject was placed in a chamber into which all of the interdimensional energies were being focused. His physical form gradually changed until his abilities reached and exceeded the theoretical human maximums. The very cells of his body began radiating the otherwordly force, negating to some degree the very force of gravity and enabling him to lift frankly unbelievable weights, and resist most forms of physical harm. He could also fly unaided and his senses began functioning at a heightened level. Strenuous testing suggested that the experiment had succeeded in advancing the test subject to perhaps the next stage in human evolution. His masters had big plans for their new wunderkind. A series of assaults on the fabric and mechanism of the communist war machine and an eventual unveiling of their figurehead, a godlike figure behind whom The Twelve envisaged the free world falling into line, under their ultimate control.
The flaw in their reasoning was strikingly simple however. For in line with the advancement of his physical attributes, an equivalent advancement of his moral code had occurred. The Ultimate Human could not allow himself to be the motivation behind an unjust crusade such as The Twelve proposed. He literally tore apart their base of operations and made for Washington, where he presented himself to the President.
The truth of Ultiman's origin has been buried in the deepest recesses of the US Government archives. The official version of his origin, as known by most small boys in the USA is that he arrived through an accidental tear in the barrier between dimensions, our own dimensional laws granting him powers and abilities undreamed of by mortal man. It was many years after his 'arrival' that Ultiman first began fighting crime and doing good. The reason for this gap remains something of a mystery.
In reality, there is no denying that Ultiman has done much good in the years since he was allowed to operate publicly, rendering aid to all nationalities and fighting crime in many forms. His physical appearance has remained largely unchanged as the aging process appears to have slowed or stopped altogether. He is seen as somewhat of an anachronism by the modern breed of heroes, with his manners and morals from another age, but remains one of the worlds most recognisable and renowned superhumans. Ultiman's alter - ego Henry Cross, by comparison lives a modest life, making a respectable living as an author of historical reference books.
His longevity has brought a unique perspective to his writing which has earned him some success but he is careful to maintain his anonymity as it is the work of Ultiman which always comes first.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Nightstalker notes
This character was the second I created for Golden Heroes back in the mid 80's. Needless to say he has a bit of Batman, a lot of Moon Knight and a touch of Daredevil in there as well. I've written him up in several systems, including Gurps and Mutants and Masterminds.
Golden Heroes - Nightstalker
Alias - Caedan Walker
EGO: 17 STR: 18 DEX: 18 VIG: 15
Movement: 8.5m (10m) Dodge Modifier: +4
Damage Modifier: +3 Strike Modifier: +3
Defence Class: 5 Frames: 4
HTK; 50/2 HTC: 61/-
Recover: 1d6 per hour Hospitalised:5 Push Back:20
Recover: 1d6 per round Stag: 12 Stun:6
Agility: 1
Cybernetics: 1 - Glider device (Cape)
Martial Arts: 2 (Oriental)
Skills: 3 (Criminology, Law, Gymnastics, Hide In Shadows)
Advantageous backgrounds:
Contacts - Criminal.
Previous Training
Notes: Caedan Walker is a lawyer with a dark secret. His brother, Alex, is head of one of the cities biggest crime syndicates. Alex Walker is a ruthless killer who will let nothing stand in his way and for this reason, Caedan Walker has taken on the mantle of Nightstalker. Training himself to become a symbol of justice, Caedan Walker fights the machinations of organised crime in the courtroom and in the back alleys of the city at night.
Friday, 14 January 2011
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Dr Who - Amanda Crawford

Amanda Crawford was a flight attendant in the 23rd century, working on the Earth-Luna route. She liked her job, it was glamorous and exciting. It got a little too exciting when her shuttle was pulled into some kind of vortex in space, and most of her crew and passengers were absorbed into a machine consciousness waiting on the other side like a great spider in it's web. Still, Amanda was not the sort to give up easily and there was the strange traveller and his gruff companion who she literally ran into while being pursued by fifteen drone soldiers. Since she made their acquaintance, she's still travelling, just in a slightly different kind of ship.
Awareness: 3
Coordination: 3
Ingenuity: 4
Presence: 4
Resolve: 3
Strength: 2
Athletics: 1
Craft: 2
Convince: 3
Subterfuge: 3
Technology: 2
Transport: 2
Resourceful Pockets
Run For Your Life
Insatiable Curiosity
Awareness: 3
Coordination: 3
Ingenuity: 4
Presence: 4
Resolve: 3
Strength: 2
Athletics: 1
Craft: 2
Convince: 3
Subterfuge: 3
Technology: 2
Transport: 2
Resourceful Pockets
Run For Your Life
Insatiable Curiosity
Thursday's character...a bit early
Thursday's character came about when I was involved in playtesting for the Dr Who: Adventures In Space & Time RPG from Cubicle 7. I have a bunch that were created during testing and i'll post them as I work through my list. As I don't have the actual book, i'm not sure that these will be strictly rules legal but they should be close.
Tunnels & Trolls - Felron Lightfinger
Felron Lightfinger
Type - Thief Kindred- Human Gender - Male
Level - 1st Height - 6'1"
ST 14, DX 12, CN 7, SP 11, IQ 8, LK 11, CH 6, PW 11
Combat Adds - HTH +2
Weapons - Short Sword, Dagger
Equipment Carried - Warm, dry clothing and pack, Provisions, 40ft Hemp Rope, Lantern and oil, Calf high boots.
Background - Born into the family of a poor but honest merchant, Felron found himself out on his ear when he stole and sold the family wagon at the age of 12. The young Felron made for the city of Ellendel, secure in the knowledge that he'd found his true calling. He soon found it difficult to blend into the background, however, as he continued to grow and was forced to find employment as lookout for a particularly inept band of burglars. As he also tended to sound the alarm prematurely, it was no surprise that the burglars rarely managed to steal anything. He soon resorted to picking pockets to scrape a living, although he was loath to put himself at such risk of capture. Hearing rumours of vast treasures to be found at little risk, Felron has decided to try his hand at dungeon delving before he is forced to earn a living by honest means, a state of affairs he is keen to avoid at any cost.
Description - Felron Lightfinger is tall and thin of frame. He wears his unruly black hair long and has been attempting to grow a beard in an attempt to look more intimidating, without much success. His eyes are a watery blue and his complexion pale. His garments attest to the fact that, so far, he is not much of a thief.
Personality - Felron has always aspired to be a thief, which says much about his character. Unfortunately, he's never been much good at it, because of his physical stature and the fact that he's also an abject coward. In a tight spot he can always be counted on to look out for himself, although he will work within a team, mainly because he figures it puts more distance between himself and peril, whatever the peril may be. He also has a long memory for favours owed him but tends to conveniently forget his own obligations.
Type - Thief Kindred- Human Gender - Male
Level - 1st Height - 6'1"
ST 14, DX 12, CN 7, SP 11, IQ 8, LK 11, CH 6, PW 11
Combat Adds - HTH +2
Weapons - Short Sword, Dagger
Equipment Carried - Warm, dry clothing and pack, Provisions, 40ft Hemp Rope, Lantern and oil, Calf high boots.
Background - Born into the family of a poor but honest merchant, Felron found himself out on his ear when he stole and sold the family wagon at the age of 12. The young Felron made for the city of Ellendel, secure in the knowledge that he'd found his true calling. He soon found it difficult to blend into the background, however, as he continued to grow and was forced to find employment as lookout for a particularly inept band of burglars. As he also tended to sound the alarm prematurely, it was no surprise that the burglars rarely managed to steal anything. He soon resorted to picking pockets to scrape a living, although he was loath to put himself at such risk of capture. Hearing rumours of vast treasures to be found at little risk, Felron has decided to try his hand at dungeon delving before he is forced to earn a living by honest means, a state of affairs he is keen to avoid at any cost.
Description - Felron Lightfinger is tall and thin of frame. He wears his unruly black hair long and has been attempting to grow a beard in an attempt to look more intimidating, without much success. His eyes are a watery blue and his complexion pale. His garments attest to the fact that, so far, he is not much of a thief.
Personality - Felron has always aspired to be a thief, which says much about his character. Unfortunately, he's never been much good at it, because of his physical stature and the fact that he's also an abject coward. In a tight spot he can always be counted on to look out for himself, although he will work within a team, mainly because he figures it puts more distance between himself and peril, whatever the peril may be. He also has a long memory for favours owed him but tends to conveniently forget his own obligations.
Character of the day - some background
Today's character is Felron Lightfinger. This character was the first I created for Tunnels and Trolls, around four years ago. Amongst our gaming group, a couple of us came to the hobby via the Traveller route rather than D&D, and Tunnels and Trolls had completely passed us by. When my friend Russ suggested running T&T, I decided to go for a character in complete opposition to those I normally play(pretty straight arrows) and went for a complete sleazebag. Felron is the result. Also the only character i've ever had (I think) die in the course of an adventure.
As a side note, I drew a neat picture of the character which I would have loved to post but unfortunately my then four year old got hold of my sketchbook and coloured him in. Ah well.
As a side note, I drew a neat picture of the character which I would have loved to post but unfortunately my then four year old got hold of my sketchbook and coloured him in. Ah well.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Last post..
That character was the oldest I still have in my possession, from the mid to late 80's. The character sheet was typed, on an actual type writer :-). And in common with most young gamers, his sheet was more or less a shopping list of heavy weapons.
So that was the oldest and you've seen the newest. More characters to come, every day or so hopefully.
Tomorrow; Felron Lightfinger (Deceased) from Tunnels and Trolls...
So that was the oldest and you've seen the newest. More characters to come, every day or so hopefully.
Tomorrow; Felron Lightfinger (Deceased) from Tunnels and Trolls...
Traveller - Nikkolay Trask
Nikkolay Trask
Ex Marine Force Commander
No Image Available
UPP - A999A7
Age - Thirty
Terms - Three
Credits - 191,000
Skills -
Brawling -1, Blade Combat - 2, Electronic - 1, Cutlass - 1, Shotgun - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Revolver -2
Ground Car - 1, Pilot - 0, Gunner -0
Possessions -
Blade w/scabbard (2d), Shotgun w/10 mags and sling (4d), Revolver w/60 cartridges (3d), Cloth Armour, Combat Armour (+4 oxygen tanks), telescopic sight, Auto Pistol w/10 mags (3d), Body Pistol w/10 mags (3d), Sub-machine gun w/10 mags (3d), laser rifle w/power pack (5d), 5 cases grenades (1 smoke, 1 gas), grenade launcher, snub pistol loaded with heap w/10 mags and 1 short range communicator (10km range). Trask is also in possession of a lifetime bounty hunter's license for the Arel subsector (allowed weapons of -4 LL).
Ex Marine Force Commander
No Image Available
UPP - A999A7
Age - Thirty
Terms - Three
Credits - 191,000
Skills -
Brawling -1, Blade Combat - 2, Electronic - 1, Cutlass - 1, Shotgun - 2, Vacc Suit - 1, Revolver -2
Ground Car - 1, Pilot - 0, Gunner -0
Possessions -
Blade w/scabbard (2d), Shotgun w/10 mags and sling (4d), Revolver w/60 cartridges (3d), Cloth Armour, Combat Armour (+4 oxygen tanks), telescopic sight, Auto Pistol w/10 mags (3d), Body Pistol w/10 mags (3d), Sub-machine gun w/10 mags (3d), laser rifle w/power pack (5d), 5 cases grenades (1 smoke, 1 gas), grenade launcher, snub pistol loaded with heap w/10 mags and 1 short range communicator (10km range). Trask is also in possession of a lifetime bounty hunter's license for the Arel subsector (allowed weapons of -4 LL).
Monday, 10 January 2011
Character Posts
As noted before, i'm going to start posting some of the characters i've accumulated over the years. First up is the most recent one i've done though, Jet Commando for the icons system.
ICONS! - Jet Commando
Prowess 4
Coordination 5
Strength 4
Intellect 3
Awareness 4
Willpower 4
Stamina 8
Determination 1
Aerial Combat (Expert)
Pilot (Expert)
Blast 4 (Jet wash, Blasting Attack)
Invulnerable 2 (Device: Body Armour)
Flight 7 (Device: Barnes Wallis Jet Pack)
Life Support 1 (Device: Air mask)
Resistance: Blinding 2 (Device: Flight Goggles)
Catchphrase: "Take that, Fritz!!”
Motivation: Defend Britain against her enemies
Get the job done, whatever the cost!
Bullet Magnet
Show Off!
Weakness: Flesh and Blood
Coordination 5
Strength 4
Intellect 3
Awareness 4
Willpower 4
Stamina 8
Determination 1
Aerial Combat (Expert)
Pilot (Expert)
Blast 4 (Jet wash, Blasting Attack)
Invulnerable 2 (Device: Body Armour)
Flight 7 (Device: Barnes Wallis Jet Pack)
Life Support 1 (Device: Air mask)
Resistance: Blinding 2 (Device: Flight Goggles)
Catchphrase: "Take that, Fritz!!”
Motivation: Defend Britain against her enemies
Get the job done, whatever the cost!
Bullet Magnet
Show Off!
Weakness: Flesh and Blood
In the darkest days of World War 2, the call went out for brave men and women to stand in the front line against the forces of Axis evil. One such man was fighter ace David Mcniven, who, armed with the latest in technology from Britain's greatest minds takes the fight to the enemy as Jet Commando!
Saturday, 8 January 2011
The Virus In Time
Just wanted to pimp a neat Dr Who story written by a good friend of mine. I did the logo for him. Hop on over to part 1 via the link below; The Virus In Time Part 1 The Virus In Time Part 1
Right, so I finally sent some Star Trek: RPG files over to Patrick at the Beyond The Final Frontier support site. I had some odd files knocking around which I had originally intended to send in June. Oh, how time flies. Patrick does a wonderful job of supporting this under appreciated RPG and I wanted to do something towards aiding his effort. Link at the bottom of this post. There are several Star Trek RPG systems around. Decipher's was the last to date and had something of a troubled existence, but it's not a bad system. Reminiscent of D20 in some ways but it plays well. Certainly worth a look as you can pick the books up cheap. I've also linked to an ongoing play by forum game i'm involved in using the system. Beyond The Final Frontier Star Trek: The Last Anton Beyond The Final Frontier Star Trek: The Last Anton
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Yay..i've achieved something
Ok, further to yesterday's post, i've now completed the documents which I wanted to and will send them off at the weekend, along with an idea for something which may or not lead to something. I'll spill more when the files have been sent as the recipient sometimes reads this blog and I don't want to spoil the surprise :-)
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Happy New Year !!
Hello, dear readers. It's been another quiet period around here but things are about to kick up a notch, I hope.
Firstly i'm doing a bit of housekeeping and preparing some stuff alluded to in an earlier post. More details when completed as i'm hoping to have this little project done in the next ten days or so. After that, i'm going to start transcribing a bunch of characters from different RPG systems. This will include characters from Dr Who, Space 1889, Tunnels and Trolls and others. Then i'm also going to use this blog to record our upcoming trip to Florida in May of this year. So lots of stuff to look forward to.
Firstly i'm doing a bit of housekeeping and preparing some stuff alluded to in an earlier post. More details when completed as i'm hoping to have this little project done in the next ten days or so. After that, i'm going to start transcribing a bunch of characters from different RPG systems. This will include characters from Dr Who, Space 1889, Tunnels and Trolls and others. Then i'm also going to use this blog to record our upcoming trip to Florida in May of this year. So lots of stuff to look forward to.
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- Happy New Year !!
- Yay..i've achieved something
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- The Virus In Time
- ICONS! - Jet Commando
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- Traveller - Nikkolay Trask
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- Tunnels & Trolls - Felron Lightfinger
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- Dr Who - Amanda Crawford
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- Nightstalker notes
- Mutants and Masterminds (2nd Edition) - Ultiman
- Today's character..
- Golden Heroes - Blur
- Savage Worlds (Tour Of Darkness) - Willie Franks
- Countdown To Orlando
- Character of the day - For Alan
- Star Wars D6 - Lazarus Long
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