Real Name: Queen Hippolyta
Base of Operations: Gateway City(During WWII)
Occupation: Queen Of The Amazon nation/Adventurer
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 143 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Unusual Features: None
Marital Status: Single
First Appearance: As Hippolyta: All Star Comics #8 (December, 1941/January 1942)
As Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman vol. 2 #128 (December, 1997)
Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, All Star Squadron
Attributes: Agility: d12, Smarts: d10, Spirit: d12, Strength: d12+2, Vigor d12+2
Charisma: +6, Pace: 12, Parry:10(11), Toughness: 11(*13)
Climb d12, Driving d8, Fighting d12, Guts d12, Intimidation d12,
Healing d10, Investigate d6, Knowledge: (Amazon Lore, Military
Strategy& Tactics d12), Notice d10, Persuasion d12, Pilot d10,
Riding d12, Shooting d12, Stealth d10, Throwing d12, Tracking d8.
Acrobatic, Charismatic, Command, Dodge, First Strike, Frenzy, Improved
Block, Noble, Quick, Strong Willed, Sweep, Very Attractive
Hindrances: Heroic (Major) Loyal (Minor)
Super Powers:
Ageless, Very Old
Attack Melee:+1d6 (non HW) “Combat Training”.
Deflection –4
(must be aware of attack and either sword or bracelets)
Leaping (2)
Speed (1)
Toughness +2
Bracelets: +9 Heavy Armor
(Used with Deflection power)
Sword: Str +1d10 (Heavy Weapon)
Shield: +1 Parry, *+2 Armor to ranged shots that hit
Lasso Of Truth:
Mind Control, Mind Wipe (defend against d12+8)
Morphing Ship: “Invisible Plane”
Attributes: Smarts: d6(A), Spirit d10, Vigor d10 (for healing only)
Charisma: -, Pace: *, Toughness: 25
Altered Form, Fall Proof, More elastic.
Attack Ranged +3d6, AP 6, Rof 3
(Loses 1 toughness per every 3 shots fired, can regenerate as per healing)
Chameleon, Inanimate objects only (usually some form of vehicle)
Flight: *Sonic Speed (FTL outside of Earth’s atmosphere)
Growth (Maximum Level unknown)
Immunity (to all hostile environment’s)
Shrink: 6”
Size Change
Speed: *Super Speed
Info on Invisible Plane
A brief history of Hippolyta / Wonder Woman
Write-Up by therealtony. Originally posted on May 17 2009
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