I'm going to start converting some of my old favourite Golden Heroes characters over to the new Squadron UK 2nd Edition. First up is Nightstalker
Alias: Caedan Walker
Strength: 18/9
Endurance: 15/8
Dexterity: 17/9
Agility: 18/9
Psyche: 6/3
Esteem: 8
Sleuthing: 12
Fate: 8
Common Skills: Climbing +19, Jumping +19, Searching + 12, Spotting/Notice + 12, Stealth +19
Trained Skills: Criminology + 3, Driving +4 , Law + 3, Locksmith/Pick + 4, Research + 3
Move: 17 Knockback: 17 Damage Modifier: +11 Dodge: +6
Kill: 50 Stun: 61
Backgrounds: Criminal, Training
Acrobatics 2 (Gimmicks: +2 Dodge)
Martial Arts 2 (Gimmicks: Judo Throw, Enhanced Parry +1)
Flight (Gliding) 1 (Gimmicks: Can recover while falling)
Protection 1 (Gimmicks: +1 to Agility)
Weapon (Staff) 1 (Gimmicks: Quick draw)
Notes: Caedan Walker is a lawyer with a dark secret. His brother, Alex, is head of one of the cities biggest crime syndicates. Alex Walker is a ruthless killer who will let nothing stand in his way and for this reason, Caedan Walker has taken on the mantle of Nightstalker. Training himself to become a symbol of justice, Caedan Walker fights the machinations of organised crime in the courtroom and in the back alleys of the city at night.
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