Not much to report today, just an excuse for some gratuitous pictures of miniature starships.
Friday, 22 August 2014
Saturday, 28 June 2014
Squadron UK 2 - Nightstalker
I'm going to start converting some of my old favourite Golden Heroes characters over to the new Squadron UK 2nd Edition. First up is Nightstalker
Alias: Caedan Walker
Strength: 18/9
Endurance: 15/8
Dexterity: 17/9
Agility: 18/9
Psyche: 6/3
Esteem: 8
Sleuthing: 12
Fate: 8
Common Skills: Climbing +19, Jumping +19, Searching + 12, Spotting/Notice + 12, Stealth +19
Trained Skills: Criminology + 3, Driving +4 , Law + 3, Locksmith/Pick + 4, Research + 3
Move: 17 Knockback: 17 Damage Modifier: +11 Dodge: +6
Kill: 50 Stun: 61
Backgrounds: Criminal, Training
Acrobatics 2 (Gimmicks: +2 Dodge)
Martial Arts 2 (Gimmicks: Judo Throw, Enhanced Parry +1)
Flight (Gliding) 1 (Gimmicks: Can recover while falling)
Protection 1 (Gimmicks: +1 to Agility)
Weapon (Staff) 1 (Gimmicks: Quick draw)
Notes: Caedan Walker is a lawyer with a dark secret. His brother, Alex, is head of one of the cities biggest crime syndicates. Alex Walker is a ruthless killer who will let nothing stand in his way and for this reason, Caedan Walker has taken on the mantle of Nightstalker. Training himself to become a symbol of justice, Caedan Walker fights the machinations of organised crime in the courtroom and in the back alleys of the city at night.
Alias: Caedan Walker
Strength: 18/9
Endurance: 15/8
Dexterity: 17/9
Agility: 18/9
Psyche: 6/3
Esteem: 8
Sleuthing: 12
Fate: 8
Common Skills: Climbing +19, Jumping +19, Searching + 12, Spotting/Notice + 12, Stealth +19
Trained Skills: Criminology + 3, Driving +4 , Law + 3, Locksmith/Pick + 4, Research + 3
Move: 17 Knockback: 17 Damage Modifier: +11 Dodge: +6
Kill: 50 Stun: 61
Backgrounds: Criminal, Training
Acrobatics 2 (Gimmicks: +2 Dodge)
Martial Arts 2 (Gimmicks: Judo Throw, Enhanced Parry +1)
Flight (Gliding) 1 (Gimmicks: Can recover while falling)
Protection 1 (Gimmicks: +1 to Agility)
Weapon (Staff) 1 (Gimmicks: Quick draw)
Notes: Caedan Walker is a lawyer with a dark secret. His brother, Alex, is head of one of the cities biggest crime syndicates. Alex Walker is a ruthless killer who will let nothing stand in his way and for this reason, Caedan Walker has taken on the mantle of Nightstalker. Training himself to become a symbol of justice, Caedan Walker fights the machinations of organised crime in the courtroom and in the back alleys of the city at night.
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Battle and barbeque
Tempted by the combination of good friends, good gaming and food, this weekend saw the premier battle and barbeque. The idea is simple. Set up a gaming table on the deck, play a couple of games and have a barbeque.
First up was a game of X Wing from Fantasy Flight Games. My friend Mike organised this. This went very well and it all came down to a draw with one Imperial and one Rebel left on the table. We then broke for lunch and a chat.
Next up was the board game King Of Tokyo, ran by Russ. This seemed like a lot of fun, with Ben taking the win.
Finally, Mike and I played our Full Thrust rematch. This started badly for me but by the end of the game, Mike graciously conceded the win. All in all a great afternoon of gaming and one which I hope to repeat soon.
Friday, 9 May 2014
Engines to Full Thrust
A friend and I got together to play my first game of Full Thrust for years last week. I'd painted up my FSE starter fleet and was keen to put them into action. My opponent played ESU and we each fielded a Heavy Cruiser and two Destroyers. Oh my ! This battle played out like my Waterloo. I made several bad decisions and some atrocious dice rolls. It wasn't pretty. I'm currently re-reading the rules and looking at other fleets. A rematch is definitely on the cards.
Sunday, 23 March 2014
A small update
March already? Hard to fathom but here's a few nuggets from the last couple of months.
On the gaming front, there have been a few small developments. The scenario mentioned in the last post has actually been written. It's currently printed out and ready to go. I'll be honest and admit that I didn't quite get the enthusiastic response I was hoping for but i'm looking at some dates so we can get together and play. I'll make the scenario available online when it's all done if anyone is interested.
Miniature gaming is back on the agenda again. I've picked up Star Trek: Attack Wing form Wizkids and a few additional ships. The gameplay is a lot of fun but the model quality is extremely variable. I've played a couple of games and it is a lot of fun. Looking to play some more of this in the future and hopefully i'll get around to posting some battle reports.
I'm also looking forward to playing some Full Thrust, having just ordered a basic fleet from Ground Zero Games. I'll post some painting photos and a battle report in due course.
Unfortunately I've just realised that my page on Webs has been shut down. Lack of activity no doubt. I'll look at getting it back up in the near future but hard to believe anyone will miss it.
On the gaming front, there have been a few small developments. The scenario mentioned in the last post has actually been written. It's currently printed out and ready to go. I'll be honest and admit that I didn't quite get the enthusiastic response I was hoping for but i'm looking at some dates so we can get together and play. I'll make the scenario available online when it's all done if anyone is interested.
Miniature gaming is back on the agenda again. I've picked up Star Trek: Attack Wing form Wizkids and a few additional ships. The gameplay is a lot of fun but the model quality is extremely variable. I've played a couple of games and it is a lot of fun. Looking to play some more of this in the future and hopefully i'll get around to posting some battle reports.
I'm also looking forward to playing some Full Thrust, having just ordered a basic fleet from Ground Zero Games. I'll post some painting photos and a battle report in due course.
Unfortunately I've just realised that my page on Webs has been shut down. Lack of activity no doubt. I'll look at getting it back up in the near future but hard to believe anyone will miss it.
Friday, 3 January 2014
New year, new ideas ...
Hello again.
I'd be lying if I said that I was sure I'd be posting here again following the events of last year. This is Renny's Game Corner after all. And the gaming has been thin on the ground, after all. That said, there is some gaming goodness on the horizon which has got me a bit excited again.
First of all, Pinnacle Entertainment have announced the release of the Sci Fi Companion for Savage Worlds. This has been touted for a while and is finally coming out on the 14th January. I've been waiting for this as i'm keen to try and get more work done on my Savage Worlds Star Trek conversion.
Secondly I've come up with an idea for a scenario which has me quite excited. I can't really go into details at the moment but hopefully i'll be able to pull things together before too long.
I'd be lying if I said that I was sure I'd be posting here again following the events of last year. This is Renny's Game Corner after all. And the gaming has been thin on the ground, after all. That said, there is some gaming goodness on the horizon which has got me a bit excited again.
First of all, Pinnacle Entertainment have announced the release of the Sci Fi Companion for Savage Worlds. This has been touted for a while and is finally coming out on the 14th January. I've been waiting for this as i'm keen to try and get more work done on my Savage Worlds Star Trek conversion.
Secondly I've come up with an idea for a scenario which has me quite excited. I can't really go into details at the moment but hopefully i'll be able to pull things together before too long.
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