Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Well, that must be a record. I didn't even manage to make one post before breaking my resolution. Ah well. Life in general has been extremely busy since christmas so there you go :-). Played a second game of ACTA since my last post and the game is good fun, although due to a misreading of the rules, the second game was a bit of a washout. Hopefully a rematch will follow in the next couple of weeks. The RPG side of things has been quiet so far this year. I've dropped out of the online ST:RPG I was playing as I was finding it hard to keep up with posts and finding anything meanigful to add. I really enjoyed the experience, however.
Have been reading loads and watching lots and i'm going to keep track of all the movies i've watched and books i've read during the year, just out of interest. See you next time.

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