Saturday 20 February 2010

Thunderbirds are...go!

Quick note to mention that my Savage Worlds version of Thunderbirds has been posted on savageheroes. You can download the file at I'm chuffed to see it available and am thinking seriously about giving Savage Star Trek the same treatment. Hmmm..


PEG said...

Couple of things, Renny: It should be "conversions.htm," not just "conversions," which gives you a 403 Forbidden error.

Second: This rocks! I don't even play Savage Worlds, and I'm so jazzed to see a Thunderbirds supplement to just about anything that I'm willing to give it a go one of these days.

I don't suppose you could so something with UFO, could you? :)

steveraceuk said...


Thanks for the correction :-)
Glad you like it. We had some serious fun playing it. Funny you should mention it, but I have the UFO box set sitting under my tv at the moment. I have every intention of doing a SW conversion for it although i've actually started writing one for Space 1999.

PEG said...

Sweet to both; I've often felt Space: 1999 has been terribly overlooked as a property, although now that it's 2010 it might be hard to convince anyone to play (see also Twilight: 2000).

I've only ever seen a couple of episodes of UFO, back when I was a wee lad, but the Interceptors and the chicks with the blue hair really left an impression on me.

Speaking of box sets, I'm in the process of obtaining the entire four-season run of Farscape on DVD while Amazon still has it at the insanely low price of US $59.99 for the complete series set. I'll get Peacekeeper Wars later, and I'll be all set to do one of my personal pet projects: a CODA conversion for Farscape.

First, though, I've got to get off my dead arse and finish the starships book....

steveraceuk said...

1999 was always my favourite Anderson series as it hit when I was about 7-8 so I was just the right age to get sucked in. A lot of the first season holds up really well.
UFO always scared me when it first aired and rewatching the series I realise just how creepy it really is. If you get a chance to catch the series, you really should. Did you know that 1999 started life as a second series of UFO and unofficially, Moonbase Alpha was built on the foundation of the Shado moonbase?
I have a friend who, spurred on by my Thunderbirds effort, is doing a similar Savage Worlds sourcebook for Stingray as well.