James Lafayette Calvin
Born: June 9th, 1850, Plainfield, MA.
Background: James Calvin was born into the small village of Plainfield, Massachusetts. His father was a clerk at the town courthouse. James was a bright student from an early age, although somewhat introverted. He found most comfort in the short stories he wrote, mostly for his own amusement. His brother, William, passed away due to illness when James was 9 and this traumatic event caused him to withdraw further into his own imagination, causing concern in his conservative yet doting parents. This incident also awakened an interest in the spiritual, beyond the routine church going which was part of the regular life of all the families in the small community. His questing mind latched onto the teachings of the church and he found a willing listener in the community pastor. The pastor saw something of worth in the troubled young man and sponsored an application for Calvin to attend Andover Newton Theological School, located in Newton Centre, MA. Calvin's voracious mind meant he was a quick and keen study. Soon, however, his inquisitive faculties sought him to seek knowledge from outside of established doctrine. He began researching other, less respectable teachings and established friendships with some members of the spiritual community beyond the sphere of the church. His grades remained impressive but his ability to deliver exceptional work was due in larger part to his technical writing and research skills, than his belief in the subject matter. Regardless, he remained focussed on his studies and eventually obtained his degree. To the surprise, and disappointment, of his parents and sponsor, Calvin accepted a post at the University of Boston as a research assistant. Away from the distractions of family and obligation, Calvin worked long hours on both his career and the first of what would be a string of books in the field of theology and the occult. His second book, The Black Arts, became a somewhat surprise success and somewhat to his annoyance, Calvin became a minor literary celebrity and somewhat feted on the Boston literary circuit.
In his late twenties and early thirties, Calvin became reconciled with his parents and he produced several more regarded works in the occult field. His relationship with the church establishment remained somewhat tense, as the clergy saw him of something of a traitor to their cause. This opinion did not bother Calvin in the slightest however. It is as a result of his reputation, and his monograph on the case of Giles Cory, a victim of the Salem trials, that Calvin has been invited to the present ceremony.
In personality, James Calvin is somewhat serious, although not without a sense of humour. He can become passionate when involved in discussion on a point he feels strongly about. He has some skill as a pencil artist, and has also invested in a camera recently for the purpose of taking photographs of locations featured in his books.
Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Statistics
INT 18
CON 15
APP 10
POW 11
SIZ 12
SAN 55
EDU 16
Idea 90
Luck 55
Know 80
SAN 55
MP 11
HP 14
Accounting 20%, Archaeology 40%, Art (Drawing) 25%, Bargain 30%, Climb 40%, Conceal 20%, Credit Rating 45%, Dodge 26%, Drive Carriage 30%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 30%, First Aid 30%, Hide 10%, History 70%, Jump 25%, Law 5%, Library Use 70%, Listen 25%, Mechanical Repair 20%, Medicine 5%, Natural History 10%, Navigate 10%, Occult 60%, Other Language (Latin 30%, Italian 10%), Own Language (English 85%), Persuade 55%, Photography 35%, Psychology 40%, Ride 15%, Sneak 20%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 30%, Throw 25%, Track 20%.
Background: James Calvin was born into the small village of Plainfield, Massachusetts. His father was a clerk at the town courthouse. James was a bright student from an early age, although somewhat introverted. He found most comfort in the short stories he wrote, mostly for his own amusement. His brother, William, passed away due to illness when James was 9 and this traumatic event caused him to withdraw further into his own imagination, causing concern in his conservative yet doting parents. This incident also awakened an interest in the spiritual, beyond the routine church going which was part of the regular life of all the families in the small community. His questing mind latched onto the teachings of the church and he found a willing listener in the community pastor. The pastor saw something of worth in the troubled young man and sponsored an application for Calvin to attend Andover Newton Theological School, located in Newton Centre, MA. Calvin's voracious mind meant he was a quick and keen study. Soon, however, his inquisitive faculties sought him to seek knowledge from outside of established doctrine. He began researching other, less respectable teachings and established friendships with some members of the spiritual community beyond the sphere of the church. His grades remained impressive but his ability to deliver exceptional work was due in larger part to his technical writing and research skills, than his belief in the subject matter. Regardless, he remained focussed on his studies and eventually obtained his degree. To the surprise, and disappointment, of his parents and sponsor, Calvin accepted a post at the University of Boston as a research assistant. Away from the distractions of family and obligation, Calvin worked long hours on both his career and the first of what would be a string of books in the field of theology and the occult. His second book, The Black Arts, became a somewhat surprise success and somewhat to his annoyance, Calvin became a minor literary celebrity and somewhat feted on the Boston literary circuit.
In his late twenties and early thirties, Calvin became reconciled with his parents and he produced several more regarded works in the occult field. His relationship with the church establishment remained somewhat tense, as the clergy saw him of something of a traitor to their cause. This opinion did not bother Calvin in the slightest however. It is as a result of his reputation, and his monograph on the case of Giles Cory, a victim of the Salem trials, that Calvin has been invited to the present ceremony.
In personality, James Calvin is somewhat serious, although not without a sense of humour. He can become passionate when involved in discussion on a point he feels strongly about. He has some skill as a pencil artist, and has also invested in a camera recently for the purpose of taking photographs of locations featured in his books.
Call Of Cthulhu Investigator Statistics
INT 18
CON 15
APP 10
POW 11
SIZ 12
SAN 55
EDU 16
Idea 90
Luck 55
Know 80
SAN 55
MP 11
HP 14
Accounting 20%, Archaeology 40%, Art (Drawing) 25%, Bargain 30%, Climb 40%, Conceal 20%, Credit Rating 45%, Dodge 26%, Drive Carriage 30%, Electrical Repair 10%, Fast Talk 30%, First Aid 30%, Hide 10%, History 70%, Jump 25%, Law 5%, Library Use 70%, Listen 25%, Mechanical Repair 20%, Medicine 5%, Natural History 10%, Navigate 10%, Occult 60%, Other Language (Latin 30%, Italian 10%), Own Language (English 85%), Persuade 55%, Photography 35%, Psychology 40%, Ride 15%, Sneak 20%, Spot Hidden 25%, Swim 30%, Throw 25%, Track 20%.
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